CORD leader Raila Odinga has come up with a strategy to ensure his fourth presidential contest, the second one against President Uhuru Kenyatta, is successful.
The ODM party leader and the National Executive Committee are said to have resolved to form a 10-15 member team that would take on the Jubilee administration.
“As party members, the party leader encouraged us to open fire and return fire, because Jubilee has declared war on us. The idea is to revitalise the structures within the political parties so that we can win this battle in 2017,” a senior MP told The Standard after the Tuesday, January 12 meeting held at Orange House. attended the meeting.
The MP further disclosed that membership of the team – dubbed ‘war council’ – would never be made public in order to avoid being compromised by Jubilee team.
Another MP said that Raila was upset that the party’s rapid response team was dead and urged ODM lawmakers to stop “firing in the dark and shooting alone” and work as a unit in coordinated manner ahead of the 2017 elections.
In a statement read by ODM Secretary General Ababbu Namwamba after the meeting, the party’s top organ once again accused Jubilee administration of abetting corruption giving examples of the Eurobond and IEBC ‘chickengate’ scandals.
The party also touched on the teachers salary row saying that the government had done nothing to resolve the impasse.
ODM demanded that Teachers Service Commission be directed to: unconditionally remit withheld membership dues to the teachers unions; implement the 50-60% pay increase to teachers; and hold formal discussions with the teachers unions with the view of averting another teachers strike.
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