William Ruto on Wednesday,November 18 took issue with the Standard Newspaperafter it published an editorial which criticised politicians for holding prayer rallies on his ICC case.
The newspaper accuse politicians of not being sensitive to the plights of thousands of Kenyans who suffered the post election violence of 2008 and from which William Ruto is facing crimes against humanity charges.
Of particular concern was a reference to the 35 people who were burnt in Kiambaa church at the height of the post election violence.
‘To these leaders, perhaps the deaths of 35 people in the Kiambaa church arson attack are a fairy tale. The more than 1,200 people who were needlessly killed are mere statistics’ The Standard Editorial said.
But William Ruto did not take this lying down, he responded through his twitter handle asking the media house to take evidence of the Kiambaa church killings to the Hague for the sake of justice.
“If the editors/owners of Standard have evidence that Sang and I burnt Kenyans in Kiambaa church, why don’t they provide it?” Said Ruto through a tweet.
The exchange comes at a time politicians allied to Wiliam Ruto and the government have launched a series of attacks against the ICC, accusing it of pursuing a case that was fabricated to damage Ruto’s political career.
Kenya seeks to challenge the application of rule 68, which allows the use of evidence from witnesses who already withdrew their testimonies.
Kenya government has said the rule should not be applied in William Ruto’s case as that was a promise made before the rule was ratified only for ICC to go back on its word.
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