![7 Stupid Things A Woman Should Never Tell A Man](https://i.onthe.io/0fgjhs1ctpkrovj0t8.r800x600.1dd2c965.jpg)
Ladies, while it is true that men can sometimes be stupid and insensitive to the woman in their lives women can be equally guilty of saying stupid things to their partner.
In order to keep tranquility within any relationship and keep it from hitting the rocks this is a list that every woman should memorize.
Here are seven idiotic things a woman should never tell a man.
Why don’t you ever want to spend time with me?
Ouch, this is not an easy pill to swallow. For guys, this sounds like you’re being needy and cramping his style (even if you’re not).
Sure, there should be limits (as in: he probably shouldn’t disappear to Mombasa for week without calling) but grabbing a beer with his boys once in a while is not only a normal thing to do but a healthy one. No couple should feel they are only allowed to hang out with each other. Take his time out of the house as time to go have a drink with your girls.
So do you think she’s hot?
It’s a trap! This will instantly set off every sensor that a man has in his brain, sending him scramble for a reaction that won’t get him into the dog house for the foreseeable future.
This also might raise concerns that their is some jealousy going on in the relationship.
Here’s a free hint, he does think she’s pretty and he might even think about her later. Men are hardwired to do that biologically. As the saying goes: just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t look at the menu. As long as he doesn’t run around trying to sleep with other women no harm, no foul.
Be a man about it!
Men are sensitive sometimes too, although they are usually not as open about it. When you tell him to “man up” about something you’re taking the wind out of his sails completely.
If you say this you’ve questioned some very fundamental things about him: whether he’s tough, whether he can handle tough situations and whether he can take care of himself. Saying this regularly to a guy isn’t a way to build him up, it’s a way to bring him down.
You can’t do that anymore!
This isn’t about big things like your boyfriends love of hard drugs or his frequent nights of street racing in his car, it’s about little things. Examples: you can’t wear something that way anymore, you can’t watch that TV channel anymore, you need to stop cooking beef stew.
Little things like that taken out of his routine can throw him off balance and make him think that you’re being controlling. Nobody’s perfect and if it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it.
Your friends are the worst!
Everybody needs to have friends in their life. If you simply can’t get along with any of his friends it doesn’t bode well for the relationship to last.
Bringing up his friends with negativity could easily be reversed in your direction. The last thing any couple needs is to get into a heated argument about the people that are important in their life. If there is an issue with one of his crew, try to approach the issue constructively and with examples.
You never listen
Don’t take things to extremes. Never is a strong word and will make him feel like what he has done in the relationship doesn’t matter.
Men sometimes try to deal with issues by shutting them out completely. In order to get him to actually listen, don’t tell him that his ears don’t work.
Whatever, it’s fine!
We know that it isn’t. There are a lot of subtle hints that men won’t be able to pick up on but this isn’t one of them. All men know that when a woman says it’s fine, it most definitely is not.
To avoid conflict, don’t play passive aggressive. Tell him exactly what is on your mind and why. A twenty minute argument now is better than three weeks of tension that could explode whenever he does the dishes wrong (and sure as you’re born he will at some point).
To all the ladies reading, what do you think of this list? Tell us what you think in the comments section below or on Facebook!
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